Use case: IoT in Finance

In the financial industry continuity and reliability of services is of crucial importance. Too often we see examples where a major malfunction has brought PIN traffic to a standstill and customers have not been able to pay. Despite strong digitization, we still see a great dependence in, for example, the retail and leisure sector on the use of pin devices.

In order to be able to offer stability and availability, IoT unlimited provides various types of customers with mobile connectivity solutions to allow payment traffic to continue. From the deployment of large payment parties (international banks and payment providers) to the world’s largest F&B companies, IoT unlimited helps these companies in various ways.

The use of the MCM platform helps in the complex distribution in this market

All parties involved are able to use the services per country, division and customer.

Our SAM platform ensures the security of the entire solution

For secure access to the company network and the safe handling of payments.

Automating processes around the management of the services

To be able to automatically overcome changes in use and simplify management.

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